Abstract. We would like to quantify the assurance contained in an authentication secret. For instance, how much assurance does a customer convey to a bank by revealing that his Per...
It is possible to model avatars that learn to simulate object manipulations and other complex actions. A number of applications may benefit from this technique including safety, e...
This paper presents an exploratory study of college-age students using two-way, push-to-talk cellular radios. We describe the observed and reported use of cellular radio by the pa...
A solution is proposed of the hitherto unsolved problem as to how neural feedforward through inverse modelling and negative feedback realised by a mechanical spring can be combined...
Karl-Theodor Kalveram, Thomas Schinauer, Steffen B...
"To be a good programmer is difficult and noble. The hardest part of making real a collective vision of a software project is dealing with one's coworkers and customers. ...