As technical systems keep growing more complex and sophisticated, designing software for the safety-critical coordination between their components becomes increasingly difficult....
Holger Giese, Stefan Henkler, Martin Hirsch, Flori...
Requirements models for large systems typically cannot be developed in a single step, but evolve in a sequence of iterations. We have developed such an iterative modeling process ...
The resolution at which a sensor network collects data is a crucial parameter of performance since it governs the range of applications that are feasible to be developed using tha...
Aman Kansal, William J. Kaiser, Gregory J. Pottie,...
Sensor networks are fundamentally constrained by the difficulty and energy expense of delivering information from sensors to sink. Our work has focused on garnering additional si...
Fast and effective distribution of software updates (a.k.a. patches) to millions of Internet users has evolved into a critical task over the last years. In this paper, we characte...
Christos Gkantsidis, Thomas Karagiannis, Milan Voj...