Background: The Cell Ontology (CL) is an ontology for the representation of in vivo cell types. As biological ontologies such as the CL grow in complexity, they become increasingl...
Terrence F. Meehan, Anna Maria Masci, Amina Abdull...
Motivation: Bacterial small ribonucleic acids (sRNAs) that are not ribosomal and transfer or messenger RNAs were initially identified in the sixties whereas their molecular functi...
Background: Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA microarrays (ChIP-chip) is a high-throughput assay for DNA-protein-binding or post-translational chromatin/histone modi...
Background: With the completion of the genome sequences of human, mouse, and other species and the advent of high throughput functional genomic research technologies such as biomi...
Peisen Zhang, Jinghui Zhang, Huitao Sheng, James J...
Background: DNA methylation, a molecular feature used to investigate tumor heterogeneity, can be measured on many genomic regions using the MethyLight technology. Due to the combi...
Paul Marjoram, Jing Chang, Peter W. Laird, Kimberl...