Recognition of object categories from their images is extremely challenging due to the large intra-class variations, and variations in pose, illumination and scale, in addition to...
Unsupervised categorization of images or image parts is often needed for image and video summarization or as a preprocessing step in supervised methods for classification, trackin...
Abstract. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) reconstructions and 3D Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) are the modalities of choice for diagnosis of vascular diseases. However...
Charles Florin, James Williams, Ali Khamene, Nikos...
When a curved mirror-like surface moves relative to its
environment, it induces a motion field—or specular flow—
on the image plane that observes it. This specular flow is
Guillermo D. Canas, Yuriy Vasilyev, Yair Adato, To...
This paper presents an approach for including 3D prior models into a factorization framework for structure from motion. The proposed method computes a closed-form affine fit which...