Embedded systems combine a processor with dedicated logic to meet design specifications at a reasonable cost. The attempt to amalgamate two distinct design environments introduces...
One of the main challenges in Grid computing is efficient allocation of resources (CPU-hours, network bandwidth, etc.) to the tasks submitted by users. Due to the lack of centrali...
—Joint routing-and-scheduling has been considered in wireless mesh networks for its significant performance improvement. While existing work assumes it, accurate traffic inform...
The tremendous growth of system memories has increased the capacities and capabilities of memory-resident embedded databases, yet current embedded databases need to be tuned in or...
Jayaprakash Pisharath, Alok N. Choudhary, Mahmut T...
In Simultaneous Multithreaded (SMT) architectures most hardware resources are shared between threads. This provides a good cost/performance trade-off which renders these architec...
Francisco J. Cazorla, Peter M. W. Knijnenburg, Riz...