The COTESYS cluster of excellence1 investigates cognition for technical systems such as vehicles, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical systems (CTS) are information processi...
The feature list of modern IDEs is steadily growing and mastering these tools becomes more and more demanding, especially for novice programmers. Despite their remarkable capabili...
A number of communication libraries have been written to support concurrent programming. For a variety of reasons, these libraries generally are not well-suited for use in undergr...
Steve Carr, Changpeng Fang, Tim Jozwowski, Jean Ma...
The Ringling School of Art and Design is a fully accredited four year college of visual art and design with a student population of approximately 1000. The Ringling School has ach...
We present, in this paper, an algorithm which integrates flow control and dynamic load balancing in Time Warp. The algorithm is intended for use in a distributed memory environme...