This paperintroduces the notion of “universalinteraction,” allowing a device to adapt its functionality to exploit services it discovers as it moves into a new environment. Us...
Todd D. Hodes, Randy H. Katz, Edouard Servan-Schre...
We present a robust implementation of stereo-based head tracking designed for interactive environments with uncontrolled lighting. We integrate fast face detection and drift reduc...
Louis-Philippe Morency, Ali Rahimi, Neal Checka, T...
Abstract. Mobile phones are increasingly becoming ubiquitous computational devices that are almost always available, individually adaptable, and nearly universally connectable (usi...
Christof Roduner, Marc Langheinrich, Christian Flo...
We present an interactive system for the artistic control of visual phenomena visible on surfaces. Our method allows the user to intuitively reposition shadows, caustics, and indi...
FXPAL's Pantheia system enables users to create virtual models by `marking up' a physical space with pre-printed visual markers. The meanings associated with the markers...
Eleanor G. Rieffel, Don Kimber, Jim Vaughan, Sagar...