The Ponder language provides a common means of specifying security policies that map onto various access control implementation mechanisms for firewalls, operating systems, databas...
Nicodemos Damianou, Naranker Dulay, Emil Lupu, Mor...
—Internet application performance over wireless links is disappointing, due to wireless impairments and their adverse interactions with higher protocol layers. In order to effect...
The rapid spreading of mobile computerized devices marks the beginning of a new computing paradigm characterized by ad hoc networking and spontaneous interaction, taking place tra...
Reto Hermann, Dirk Husemann, Michael Moser, Michae...
Empirical work with "Belvedere," a software environment for the construction of diagrammatic representations of evidential relations, is summarized, leading to the hypot...
Interactive selection is a critical component in exploratory visualization, allowing users to isolate subsets of the displayed information for highlighting, deleting, analysis, or...
Ying-Huey Fua, Matthew O. Ward, Elke A. Rundenstei...