Instead of relying completely on machine intelligence in anomaly event analysis and correlation, in this paper, we take one step back and investigate the possibility of a human-int...
Soon Tee Teoh, Kwan-Liu Ma, Shyhtsun Felix Wu, Dan...
Contextual equivalences for cryptographic process calculi, like the spi-calculus, can be used to reason about correctness of protocols, but their definition suffers from quantific...
Michele Boreale, Rocco De Nicola, Rosario Pugliese
In a history-based trust-management system, users and service providers use information about past transactions to make trust-based decisions concerning current transactions. One ...
We present a practical protocol based on homomorphic cryptography for conducting provably fair sealed-bid auctions. The system preserves the secrecy of the bids, even after the an...
David C. Parkes, Michael O. Rabin, Stuart M. Shieb...