A key concern in safety engineering is understanding the overall emergent failure behaviour of a system, i.e., behaviour exhibited by the system that is outside its specification ...
Ontologies are conceptual models of particular domains, and domains can be modeled differently, representing different opinions, beliefs or perspectives. In other terms, ontolog...
In this paper, we present a new algorithm to reconstruct 3D surfaces from an unorganized point cloud based on generalizing the MPU implicit algorithm through introducing a powerfu...
Modern malware often hide the malicious portion of their program code by making it appear as data at compiletime and transforming it back into executable code at runtime. This obf...
Paul Royal, Mitch Halpin, David Dagon, Robert Edmo...
Simulation-based validation of the current industrial processors typically use huge number of test programs generated at instruction set architecture (ISA) level. However, archite...