Modern shared-memory multiprocessors use complex memory system implementations that include a variety of non-trivial and interacting optimizations. More time is spent in verifying...
Manoj Plakal, Daniel J. Sorin, Anne Condon, Mark D...
A term t is called a template of terms t1 and t2 iff t1 = t1 and t2 = t2, for some substitutions 1 and 2. A template t of t1 and t2 is called the most specific iff for any template...
Peter E. Bulychev, Egor V. Kostylev, Vladimir A. Z...
We address various aspects of our computer algebra-based computer logic system redlog. There are numerous examples in the literature for successful applications of redlog to practi...
Meeting power and performance requirement is a challenging task in high speed ALUs. Supply voltage scaling is promising because it reduces both switching and active power but it al...
Usually, semantics of inheritance networks is specified indirectly through a translation into one of the standard logical formalisms. Since such translation involves an algorithmi...
Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Michael Kifer, David S...