In mobile robotics, there are often features that, while potentially powerful for improving navigation, prove difficult to profit from as they generalize poorly to novel situations...
Boris Sofman, Ellie Lin, J. Andrew Bagnell, John C...
Phishing emails usually contain a message from a credible looking source requesting a user to click a link to a website where she/he is asked to enter a password or other confide...
Automated detection and segmentation of nuclear and glandular structures is critical for classification and grading of prostate and breast cancer histopathology. In this paper, w...
Shivang Naik, Scott Doyle, Shannon Agner, Anant Ma...
Background: The identification of chromosomal homology will shed light on such mysteries of genome evolution as DNA duplication, rearrangement and loss. Several approaches have be...
Xiyin Wang, Xiaoli Shi, Zhe Li, Qihui Zhu, Lei Kon...
Background: In addition to known protein-coding genes, large amounts of apparently non-coding sequence are conserved between the human and mouse genomes. It seems reasonable to as...