Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are now commodity hardware, but commoditization of parallel software remains elusive. In the near term, the current trend of increased coreper-socket c...
With the advancement of video-compression technology and the wide deployment of wireless networks, there is an increasing demand for wireless video communication services, and man...
By analyzing the similarities between bit streams coming from a network of motion detectors, we can recover the network geometry and discover structure in the human behavior being...
Christopher Richard Wren, David C. Minnen, Sriniva...
Real-time unusual event detection in video stream has been a difficult challenge due to the lack of sufficient training information, volatility of the definitions for both norm...
— Reliability and energy efficiency are critical issues in wireless sensor networks. In this work, we study Delay-bounded Energy-constrained Adaptive Routing (DEAR) problem with...
Shi Bai, Weiyi Zhang, Guoliang Xue, Jian Tang, Cho...