Public-key cryptography can uniquely enable trust within distributed settings. Employing it usually requires deploying a set of tools and services collectively known as a public k...
The Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE), organized for the first time in conjunction with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2009, attracted 5...
Dino Mandrioli, Stephen Fickas, Carlo A. Furia, Me...
High-level spoken document analysis is required in many applications seeking access to the semantic content of audio data, such as information retrieval, machine translation or au...
Julien Fayolle, Fabienne Moreau, Christian Raymond...
Traditional data mining techniques have been extensively applied to find interesting patterns, build descriptive and predictive models from large volumes of data accumulated throug...
Mykola Pechenizkiy, Nikola Trcka, Ekaterina Vasily...
Being able to incorporate, inspect, and analyze data with newly developed technologies, diagnostics, and visualizations in an easy and flexible way has been a longstanding challen...
Dean N. Williams, Charles M. Doutriaux, Robert S. ...