The support available in Eclipse to help software developers learn complex APIs and development tools is inadequate; the support is largely passive and the support typically opera...
Izzet Safer, Gail C. Murphy, Julie Waterhouse, Jin...
Today the availability of large digital content archives (video, ebook, audio) creates many problems in terms of user interaction and data manipulation (browsing, searching). Many...
NaturalJava is a prototype for an intelligent natural-languagebased user interface for creating, modifying, and examining Java programs. The interface exploits three subsystems. T...
David Price, Ellen Riloff, Joseph L. Zachary, Bran...
—The hidden knowledge in social networks data can be regarded as an important resource for criminal investigations which can help finding the structure and organization of a crim...
—Becoming more competitive and more effective in the current scenes of Business and Public Administration, the organizations must be able to approach easily and quickly to the in...
Marcello Castellano, Giuseppe Mastronardi, Angela ...