Logical systems in natural deduction style are usually presented in the Gentzen style. A different definition of natural deduction, that corresponds more closely to proofs in ord...
We show that any institution I satisfying some reasonable conditions can be transformed into another institution, Ibeh, which captures formally and abstractly the intuitions of add...
Abstract. This paper describes Macquarie University’s Centre for Language Technology contribution to the PASCAL 2005 Recognizing Textual Entailment challenge. Our main aim was to...
Simple Conceptual Graphs (SGs) are used to represent entities and relations between these entities: they can be translated into positive, conjunctive, existential first-order log...
This paper presents an approach that integrates computational intelligence/soft computing paradigms with clinical investigation methods and knowledge. Computational intelligence m...
Nicolae Varachiu, Cynthia Karanicolas, Mihaela Uli...