— In this work we introduce a novel approach for detecting spatiotemporal object-action relations, leading to both, action recognition and object categorization. Semantic scene g...
Eren Erdal Aksoy, Alexey Abramov, Florentin Wö...
Most of the current WWW is made up of dynamic pages. The development of dynamic pages is a difficult and costly endeavour, out-of-reach for most users, experts, and content produce...
Distributed search systems are an emerging phenomenon in Web search, in which independent topic-specific search engines provide search services, and metasearchers distribute user...
Semantic Web applications tests show that their usability is seriously compromised. This motivates the exploration of alternative interaction paradigms, different from the "tr...
Abstract. In many cases, human actions can be identified not only by the singular observation of the human body in motion, but also properties of the surrounding scene and the rel...