Traditionally listener response prediction models are learned from pre-recorded dyadic interactions. Because of individual differences in behavior, these recordings do not capture...
Iwan de Kok, Derya Ozkan, Dirk Heylen, Louis-Phili...
Web-based social systems enable new community-based opportunities for participants to engage, share, and interact. This community value and related services like search and advert...
Pointing gestures are a common and intuitive way to draw somebody’s attention to a certain object. While humans can easily interpret robot gestures, the perception of human beha...
A complex system is expected to show different nominal behaviors under different conditions, and the deviation over time from these nominal behaviors is an indicator of potential ...
Yanjun Yan, Lisa Ann Osadciw, Glen Benson, Eric Wh...
Background: Modern biological research makes possible the comprehensive study and development of heritable mutations in the mouse model at high-throughput. Using techniques spanni...
Erich J. Baker, Leslie Galloway, Barbara Jackson, ...