Intellectual property (IP) reuse based system design is becoming an industry standard recently. However, current educational system is not effective in the training of engineers ...
This paper introduces an ant-based colony system for the representation of a verbal route description. It is grounded on a natural metaphor that mimics the behavior of ant colonie...
We report about some preliminary issues from the DFG project “Description Logics and Spatial Reasoning” (“DLS”, DFG Grant NE 279/8-1), one of whose goals is to develop a p...
Sensors capable of sensing phenomena at high data rates on the order of tens to hundreds of thousands of samples per second are now widely deployed in many industrial, civil engine...
Lewis Girod, Yuan Mei, Ryan Newton, Stanislav Rost...
The purpose of this study is to consider how to use an electronic learning (e-learning) system in engineering design. The first e-learning trial in an engineering design course wa...