Frequent itemsets mining is a popular framework for pattern discovery. In this framework, given a database of customer transactions, the task is to unearth all patterns in the for...
Srivatsan Laxman, Prasad Naldurg, Raja Sripada, Ra...
Accessing and integrating data from heterogeneous sources has become a significant challenge. So-called adapters provide the functionality for translating SQL queries into querie...
Web searchers reformulate their queries, as they adapt to search engine behavior, learn more about a topic, or simply correct typing errors. Automatic query rewriting can help user...
Rosie Jones, Kevin Bartz, Pero Subasic, Benjamin R...
Understanding query reformulation patterns is a key step towards next generation web search engines: it can help improving users’ web-search experience by predicting their inten...
Paolo Boldi, Francesco Bonchi, Carlos Castillo, Se...
This paper presents a new approach for designing test sequences to be generated on–chip. The proposed technique is based on machine learning, and provides a way to generate effi...
Christophe Fagot, Patrick Girard, Christian Landra...