We study visual attention by detecting a salient object in an input image. We formulate salient object detection as an image segmentation problem, where we separate the salient obj...
Tie Liu, Jian Sun, Nanning Zheng, Xiaoou Tang, Heu...
Abstract. This contribution proposes a compositional approach to visual object categorization of scenes. Compositions are learned from the Caltech 101 database1 intermediate abstra...
Salient points are locations in an image where there is a significant variation with respect to a chosen image feature. Since the set of salient points in an image capture import...
Hui Zhang, Rouhollah Rahmani, Sharath R. Cholleti,...
Given a pair of images represented using bag-of-visual words and a label corresponding to whether the images are “related”(must-link constraint) or “unrelated” (must not li...