

Online Visual Vocabulary Pruning Using Pairwise Constraints

14 years 10 months ago
Online Visual Vocabulary Pruning Using Pairwise Constraints
Given a pair of images represented using bag-of-visual words and a label corresponding to whether the images are “related”(must-link constraint) or “unrelated” (must not link constraint), we address the problem of selecting a subset of visual words that are salient to the relevance between the image pair. An efficient online feature selection algorithm is presented based on the dual-gradient descent approach. Side information in the form of pair-wise constraints is incorporated into the feature selection stage, providing the user with flexibility to use unsupervised or semi-supervised algorithm at a later stage. Correlated subsets of visual words, usually resulting from hierarchical quantization process (called groups), are exploited to select a significantly reduce the vocabulary size. A subset of features is selected such that the distance computed using these features satisfies the given pairwise constraints. A group-LASSO regularizer is used to drive as many feature weight...
Pavan Mallapragada, Rong Jin and Anil Jain
Added 09 Mar 2010
Updated 14 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CVPR
Authors Pavan Mallapragada, Rong Jin and Anil Jain
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