An ongoing research topic is to build suitable visualization architectures for anthropomorphic conversational user interfaces which will run on different devices like laptops, PDA...
With the increased use of embedded/portable devices such as smart cellular phones, pagers, PDAs, hand-held computers, and CD players, improving energy efficiency is becoming a cri...
Victor Delaluz, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Narayanan Vija...
The distributed embedded systems industry is poised to leverage emerging real-time operating systems, such as Inferno, Windows CE 2.0, and Palm OS, to support mobile communication...
Advanced mobile technology continues to shape professional environments. Smart cell phones, pocket computers and laptop computers reduce the need of users to remain close to a wir...
Smarter phones have made handheld computer vision a reality, but limited bandwidth, storage space and processing power prevent mobile phones from leveraging the full body of exist...