Web search is often viewed as a solitary task; however, there are many situations in which groups of people gather around a single computer to jointly search for information onlin...
People who are homeless in the United States lack adequate amounts of nutritious food which is detrimental to their health. We are designing a grocery shopping assistance device t...
Rajasee S. Rege, Jennifer L. Allen, Eric P. Drewsk...
Comicboarding is a participatory design method that uses specially created comic books to generate engaging, productive brainstorming sessions with children. By leveraging known p...
Neema Moraveji, Jason Li, Jiarong Ding, Patrick O'...
We present Koala, a system that enables users to capture, share, automate, and personalize business processes on the web. Koala is a collaborative programming-bydemonstration syst...
Greg Little, Tessa A. Lau, Allen Cypher, James Lin...
Middle and high-school science teachers have traditionally introduced current events in the classroom to leverage news topics relevant to the curriculum, such as the Sumatra Tsuna...