While techniques exist for simulating swarming behaviors, these methods usually provide only simplistic navigation and planning capabilities. In this review, we explore the benefi...
Abstract. In this paper, we review methods used for macroscopic modeling and analyzing collective behavior of swarm robotic systems. Although the behavior of an individual robot in...
3D-model-based tracking offers one possibility to explicate the manner in which spatial coherence can be exploited for the analysis of image sequences. Two seemingly different ap...
Hendrik Dahlkamp, Artur Ottlik, Hans-Hellmut Nagel
This paper presents a highly predictable, low overhead and yet dynamic, memory allocation strategy for embedded systems with scratch-pad memory. A scratch-pad is a fast compiler-m...
The performance of genetic programming relies mostly on population-contained variation. If the population diversity is low then there will be a greater chance of the algorithm bein...