Abstract. We give an optimal (exptime), sound and complete tableaubased algorithm for deciding satisfiability for propositional dynamic logic. Our main contribution is a sound meth...
Regarding nite state machines as Markov chains facilitates the application of probabilistic methods to very large logic synthesis and formal verication problems. Recently, we ha...
Gary D. Hachtel, Enrico Macii, Abelardo Pardo, Fab...
Soft errors in logic are emerging as a significant reliability problem for VLSI designs. This paper presents novel circuit optimization techniques to mitigate soft error rates (SE...
This paperdescribes the use of a powerful graph query language for querying programs, and a novel combination of transformations for generating efficient implementations of the q...
K. Tuncay Tekle, Michael Gorbovitski, Yanhong A. L...
We present a new algorithm that can be used for solving the model−checking problem for linear−time temporal logic. This algorithm can be viewed as the combination of two exist...