Abstract. Two-player win-lose games have a simple directed graph representation. Exploiting this, we develop graph theoretic techniques for finding Nash equilibria in such games. ...
Clustering (or partitioning) is a crucial step between logic synthesis and physical design in the layout of a large scale design. A design verified at the logic synthesis level m...
We consider the problem of model checking modular Petri nets for the linear time logic LTL-X. An algorithm is presented which can use the synchronisation graph from modular analysi...
RACER implements a TBox and ABox reasoner for the logic SHIQ. RACER was the first full-fledged ABox description logic system for a very expressive logic and is based on optimized s...
We present a PSpace algorithm that decides satisfiability of the graded modal logic Gr(KR)—a natural extension of propositional modal logic KR by counting expressions—which pl...