Community Question Answering (CQA) has emerged as a popular forum for users to pose questions for other users to answer. Over the last few years, CQA portals such as Naver and Yah...
The problem of hypertext classification deals with objects possessing more complex information structure than the plain text has. Present hypertext classification systems show the...
Though AdaBoost has been widely used for feature selection and classifier learning, many of the selected features, or weak classifiers, are redundant. By incorporating mutual infor...
LinLin Shen, Li Bai, Daniel Bardsley, Yangsheng Wa...
The performance of supervised learners depends on the presence of a relatively large labeled sample. This paper proposes an automatic ongoing learning system, which is able to inco...
The authors propose a co-adaptive approach to controlling parameters for coevolution-based learning classifier systems. By taking advantage of the on-line incremental learning capa...