Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) are computer based games in which players interact with one another in the virtual world. Worldwide revenues for MMORPGs h...
As the weight of online social networks (OSNs) which provide powerful means of sharing common interests and communicating has gradually grown up, influencers are also given the gr...
Online social networks are now a popular way for users to connect, express themselves, and share content. Users in today's online social networks often post a profile, consis...
Alan Mislove, Bimal Viswanath, P. Krishna Gummadi,...
The assessment of credibility and reputation of contractors in online auctions is the key issue in providing reliable environment for customer-to-customer e-commerce. Confident re...
Online social networks are enjoying drastic increase in their population and connectivity. One of the fundamental issues in these networks is trust, which is an essential factor in...