Multiprocessors based on processors with multiple cores usually include a non-uniform memory architecture (NUMA); even current 2-processor systems with 8 cores exhibit non-uniform...
Collaborative research has been increasingly popular and important in academic circles. However, there is no open platform available for scholars or scientists to effectively dis...
Gold standard mappings created by experts are at the core of alignment evaluation. At the same time, the process of manual evaluation is rarely discussed. While the practice of ha...
Anna Tordai, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Guus Schreibe...
The rapid growth of mobile malware necessitates the presence of robust malware detectors on mobile devices. However, running malware detectors on mobile devices may drain their ba...
Modern software is often developed over many years with hundreds of thousands of commits. Commit metadata is a rich source of social characteristics, including the commit’s time...