Efforts to design faster synchronous mix networks have focused on reducing the computational cost of mixing per server. We propose a different approach: our re-encryption mixnet...
As a result of physically owning the client machine, cheaters in online games currently have the upper-hand when it comes to avoiding detection. To address this problem and turn t...
Edward C. Kaiser, Wu-chang Feng, Travis Schluessle...
As the Internet grows and network bandwidth continues to increase, administrators are faced with the task of keeping confidential information from leaving their networks. Today’...
The text of this paper has passed across many Internet routers on its way to the reader, but some routers will not pass it along unfettered because of censored words it contains. ...
Jedidiah R. Crandall, Daniel Zinn, Michael Byrd, E...
In order to provide certified security services we must provide indicators that can measure the level of assurance that a complex business process can offer. Unfortunately the fo...