Many contemporary database applications require similarity-based retrieval of complex objects where the only usable knowledge of its domain is determined by a metric distance func...
Weijia Xu, Daniel P. Miranker, Rui Mao, Smriti R. ...
Hand biometrics, including fingerprint, palmprint, hand geometry and hand vein pattern, have obtained extensive attention in recent years. Physiologically, skin is a complex multi...
Wireless sensor networks are typically deployed to measure the information field, rather than create an information field. However, by utilizing the radio on sensor nodes, it is...
— We seek to develop vision-based autonomy for small-scale aircraft known as Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs). Development of such autonomy presents signiÞcant challenges, in no small ...
Jason Grzywna, Ashish Jain, Jason Plew, Michael C....
As high-speed networks have proliferated across the globe, their topologies have become sparser due to the increased capacity of communication media and cost considerations. Relia...