Next generation tiled microarchitectures are going to be limited by off-chip misses and by on-chip network usage. Furthermore, these platforms will run an heterogeneous mix of ap...
The principal control-flow abstraction mechanism in the Cobol language is the PERFORM statement. Normally, PERFORM statements are used in a straightforward manner to define para...
Multicast routing enables e cient data distribution to multiple recipients. However, existing work has concentrated on extending single-domain techniques to wide-area networks, ra...
Satish Kumar, Pavlin Radoslavov, David Thaler, Cen...
In this paper we evaluate the effectiveness of Random Early Detection (RED) over traffic types categorized as nonadaptive, fragile and robust, according to their responses to con...
The early 1980s saw the development of some rather sophisticated distributed systems. These were not merely networked file systems: rather, using remote procedure calls, hierarchi...