A design pattern is a mechanism for encapsulating the knowledge of experienced designers into a re-usable artifact. Parallel design patterns reflect commonly occurring parallel co...
Kai Tan, Duane Szafron, Jonathan Schaeffer, John A...
Computational Grids have the potential to become the main execution platform for high performance and distributed applications. However, such systems are extremely complex and pro...
Raissa Medeiros, Walfredo Cirne, Francisco Vilar B...
Informatics has helped launch molecular biology into the genomic era. It appears certain that informatics will remain a major contributor to molecular biology in the post-genome er...
Light-weight, flexible access control, which allows software to regulate reads and writes to any granularity of memory region, can help improve the reliability of today’s multi...
The rapid advancement in wireless communication technology has spurred significant interest in the design and development of enhanced TCP protocols. Among them, TCP Westwood (TCPW...
Ren Wang, Massimo Valla, M. Y. Sanadidi, Mario Ger...