Given a spatio-temporal network (ST network) whose edge properties vary with time, a time-sub-interval minimum spanning tree (TSMST) is a collection of distinct minimum spanning t...
Fischer proposes in [4] a sequential algorithm to compute a minimum weight spanning tree of maximum degree at most b + logb n in time O n4+1/ln b for any constant b > 1, where ...
Self-stabilizing algorithms for constructing a spanning tree of an arbitrary network have been studied for many models of distributed networks including those that communicate via ...
Network evolution is a ubiquitous phenomenon in a wide variety of complex systems. There is an increasing interest in statistically modeling the evolution of complex networks such...
In many network applications the computation takes place on the minimum-cost spanning tree (MST) of the network; unfortunately, a single link or node failure disconnects the tree. ...
Paola Flocchini, Toni Mesa Enriquez, Linda Pagli, ...