With advances in semiconductor technology, processors are becoming larger and more complex. Future processor designers will face an enormous design space, and must evaluate more a...
Visual tracking is a key component in many computer vision applications. Linear subspace techniques (e.g. eigentracking) are one of the most popular approaches to align templates ...
Jose Gonzalez-Mora, Nicolas Guil, Emilio L. Zapata...
A new class of evolutionary computation processes is presented, called Learnable Evolution Model or LEM. In contrast to Darwinian-type evolution that relies on mutation, recombinat...
Reliable shape modeling and clustering of white matter fiber tracts is essential for clinical and anatomical studies that use diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography techniques...
In mixed-signal designs, substrate noise originating from the digital part can seriously influence the functionality of the analog part. As such, accurately modeling the properti...
Eelco Schrik, Patrick Dewilde, N. P. van der Meijs