In a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) private caches introduce the cache coherence problem. Here, we target at heterogeneous MPSoCs with a network-on-chip (NoC). Existing har...
Frank E. B. Ophelders, Marco Bekooij, Henk Corpora...
We describe work in progress on tools and infrastructure to support adaptive component-based software for mobile devices— in our case, Apple iPhones. Our high level aim is ‘de...
Malcolm Hall, Marek Bell, Alistair Morrison, Stuar...
This paper attempts to articulate the general role of infrastructure for multi-agent systems (MAS), and why infrastructure is a particularly critical issue if we are to increase th...
: Academic clock routing research results has often had limited impact on industry practice, since such practical considerations as hierarchical buffering, rise-time and overshoot ...
We have been developing Rogue, an architecture that integrates high-level planning with a low-level executing robotic agent. Rogue is designed as the oce gofer task planner for X...