Abstract. In this chapter we survey the most recent proposals for modelling user mobility in mobile pervasive networks, and specifically in opportunistic networks. We identify two...
Typical conversational recommender systems support interactive strategies that are hard-coded in advance and followed rigidly during a recommendation session. In fact, Reinforceme...
Abstract. In constraint programming there are often many choices regarding the propagation method to be used on the constraints of a problem. However, simple constraint solvers usu...
Internet servers are developing into complex but central components in the information infrastructure and are accessed by an ever-increasing and diversified user population. As s...
Development of high quality code is extremely dicult. Tools that help maintaining the proper quality of code produced by programmers can be very useful: they may increase the qua...
Maciej Cielecki, Jedrzej Fulara, Krzysztof Jakubcz...