In this paper we describe a channel-based exogenous coordination language, called Reo, and discuss its application to multi-agent systems. Reo supports a specific notion of compo...
The Multi-Agent Coordination and Control (MACC) testbed is a modelling and simulation environment for manufacturing control. It provides benefits to both the research community an...
Paul Verstraete, Paul Valckenaers, Hendrik Van Bru...
Abstract. In this abstract, we present a complex multiagent environment, the RoboCupRescue simulation, and show some of the learning opportunities for the coordination of agents in...
Most research about multi-agent coordination is concentrated at a high level, e.g., developing coordination interaction protocols to be imposed on agents. There has been less conc...
This paper describes an agent application for the coordination of aircraft repair, refit, refuel, and rearm teams in a dynamic setting. The paper also presents a new algorithm fo...