Input multimodality combining speech and hand gestures has motivated numerous usability studies. Contrastingly, issues relating to the design and ergonomic evaluation of multimoda...
Abstract This paper proposes VHDL-AMS syntax extensions that enable descriptions of AMS systems with partial differential equations. We named the extended language VHDL-AMSP. An im...
The main aim of the work presented here is to contribute to computer science advances in the multimodal usability area, in-as-much as it addresses one of the major issues relating...
Geography Markup Language (GML) is an XML-based language for the markup, storage, and exchange of geospatial data. It provides a rich geospatial vocabulary and allows flexible doc...
On-the-fly programming is a style of programming in which the programmer/performer/composer augments and modifies the program while it is running, without stopping or restarting, ...