The amount of electronic systems introduced in vehicles is continuously increasing: X-by-wire, complex electronic control systems and above all future applications such as automot...
Sergio Saponara, Esa Petri, Marco Tonarelli, Iacop...
One of the objectives of e-Research is to help scientists to accomplish their research, including scientific experiments, more effectively and efficiently. Web services provide ...
Donglai Zhang, Paul D. Coddington, Andrew L. Wende...
—Since the provision of both unicast and multicast services is expected for the next generation of multi-carrier wireless systems, the allocation of resources for this combinatio...
—Most of the current 802.11b research activities are conducted under stationary environment. As the need for highspeed connectivity in mobile environments increases, it becomes n...
Puttipong Mahasukhon, Michael Hempel, Hamid Sharif...
The IBM Cyclops-64 (C64) chip employs a multithreaded architecture that integrates a large number of hardware thread units on a single chip. A cellular supercomputer is being deve...