In both E-Commerce (EC) and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) environments, sellers or service providers interact with customers or service clients for services or transactions. Fr...
Yan Wang 0002, Duncan S. Wong, Kwei-Jay Lin, Vijay...
—We consider a scenario in which users share an access point and are mainly interested in VoIP applications. Each user is allowed to adapt to varying network conditions by choosi...
Thirteen years have passed since Karl Sims published his work on evolving virtual creatures. Since then, several novel approaches to neural network evolution and genetic algorithm...
Abstract— Human can efficiently grasp and dextrously manipulate various objects using their fingers cooperatively. When they attain proficiency in the rotating manipulation of...
Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio M...
Abstract: Locally weighted learning (LWL) is a class of techniques from nonparametric statistics that provides useful representations and training algorithms for learning about com...
Stefan Schaal, Christopher G. Atkeson, Sethu Vijay...