BDDs and their algorithms implement a decision procedure for Quanti ed Propositional Logic. BDDs are a kind of acyclic automata. Unrestricted automata (recognizing unbounded string...
One of the most fundamental problems in computer security is protecting sensitive digital information from unauthorized disclosure. There are a number of challenges, such as spywa...
: Language offers human beings the ability to exchange information. Whether the information is understood or not depends on the structure, complexity and knowledge of the language....
Intrusion attempts due to self-propagating code are becoming an increasingly urgent problem, in part due to the homogeneous makeup of the internet. Recent advances in anomalybased...
Denver Dash, Branislav Kveton, John Mark Agosta, E...
We present an overview of the Virtual Patient project at the University of Maryland, which is developing a cognitive model of humans experiencing various states of health and dise...
Sergei Nirenburg, Marjorie McShane, Stephen Beale,...