Large scale / mega projects are lengthy complex endeavors that require significant planning by management, engineers and construction personnel to ensure the success of the projec...
Navigating through multidimensional data cubes is a nontrivial task. Although On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) provides the capability to view multidimensional data through ro...
Navin Kumar, Aryya Gangopadhyay, George Karabatis,...
Determining similarities among multimedia objects is a fundamental task in many content-based retrieval, analysis, mining, and exploration applications. Among state-of-the-art sim...
Modern computer games are at the same time an attractive application domain and an interesting testbed for the evolutionary computation techniques. In this paper we apply NeuroEvo...
Luigi Cardamone, Daniele Loiacono, Pier Luca Lanzi
— Consider the task of searching a region for the presence or absence of a target using a team of multiple searchers. This paper formulates this search problem as a sequential pr...