Accurate estimation of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of a program is important for real-time embedded software. Static WCET estimation involves program path analysis and ar...
It has been widely advocated that software architecture an effective set of abstractions for engineering (families of) complex software systems. However, architectural concepts ar...
Sam Malek, Chiyoung Seo, Sharmila Ravula, Brad Pet...
An important issue in the design of visualization systems is to allow flexibility in providing a range of interfaces to a single body of algorithmic software. In this paper we de...
Jason Wood, Jungwook Seo, David J. Duke, Jeremy Wa...
We describe an automated environment to assist a system-on-achip designer to tune a microprocessor core to a particular application program that will run on the microprocessor, an...
Greg Stitt, Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, Roman L. L...
Abstract. In [24] Raddum and Semaev propose a technique to solve systems of polynomial equations over F2 as occurring in algebraic attacks on block ciphers. This approach is known ...