Smaller input data sets such as the test and the train input sets are commonly used in simulation to estimate the impact of architecture/micro-architecture features on the perform...
Wei-Chung Hsu, Howard Chen, Pen-Chung Yew, Dong-yu...
Static compilers use profiling to predict run-time program behavior. Generally, this requires multiple input sets to capture wide variations in run-time behavior. This is expensiv...
Hyesoon Kim, M. Aater Suleman, Onur Mutlu, Yale N....
Improving cache performance requires understanding cache behavior. However, measuring cache performance for one or two data input sets provides little insight into how cache behav...
In recent years, several approaches have been proposed to use profile information in compiler optimization. This profile information can be used at the source level to guide loo...
Masayo Haneda, Peter M. W. Knijnenburg, Harry A. G...
Having a representative workload of the target domain of a microprocessor is extremely important throughout its design. The composition of a workload involves two issues: (i) whic...
Lieven Eeckhout, Hans Vandierendonck, Koenraad De ...