This paper presents a computational model of negotiation based on Nebel's syntax-based belief revision. The model guarantees a unique bargaining solution for each bargaining ...
This paper presents a statistical learning approach to predicting people's bidding behavior in negotiation. Our study consists of multiple 2-player negotiation scenarios wher...
The focus of this paper is on how to select a small sample of examples for labeling that can help us to evaluate many different classification models unknown at the time of sampl...
We propose a framework to compute the utility of a proposal w.r.t. a preference set in a negotiation process. In particular, we refer to preferences expressed as weighted formulas ...
Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Francesco M. Doni...
Video streaming over wireless links is a non-trivial problem due to the large and frequent changes in the quality of the underlying radio channel combined with latency constraints...
Jacco R. Taal, Koen Langendoen, Arjen van der Scha...