This paper considers off-line synthesis of stabilizing static feedback control laws for discrete-time piecewise affine (PWA) systems. Two of the problems of interest within this f...
Starting from states near to a closed set S we want to steer S and to stay always close to S. Unfortunately, open-loop controls are very sensitive to disturbances and can lead to v...
— Global asymptotic stabilization for a class of nonlinear systems is addressed. The dynamics of these systems are composed of a linear part to which is added some nonlinearities...
Vincent Andrieu, Christophe Prieur, Sophie Tarbour...
This paper is concerned with synthesis of output feedback controllers for descriptor systems to attain dissipativity of the closed-loop system. A necessary and sufficient conditio...
We develop necessary and sufficient conditions for quadratic stabilizability of linear networked control systems by dynamic output feedback and communication protocols. These cond...