Crime on the Internet has become a formidable challenge for university information technology and student judicial systems. The nature of university computing requires a relativel...
Data mining is widely used to identify interesting, potentially useful and understandable patterns from a large data repository. With many organizations focusing on webbased on-lin...
Abhinav Srivastava, Shamik Sural, Arun K. Majumdar
We propose “secret-protected (SP)” architecture to enable secure and convenient protection of critical secrets for a given user in an on-line environment. Keys are examples of...
Ruby B. Lee, Peter C. S. Kwan, John Patrick McGreg...
This paper presents an efficient password-based authenticated encrypted group key agreement protocol immune to dictionary attack under the computation Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumpt...
Patching is a critical security service that keeps computer systems up to date and defends against security threats. Existing patching systems all require running systems. With th...