Privacy is a necessary concern in electronic commerce. It is difficult, if not impossible, to complete a transaction without revealing some personal data – a shipping address, b...
Mark S. Ackerman, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Joseph Reag...
We describe a new multi-phase, color-based image retrieval system, FOCUS Fast Object Color-based qUery System, with an online user interface which is capable of identifying mult...
Madirakshi Das, Edward M. Riseman, Bruce A. Draper
— Measurement-based admission control (MBAC) is an attractive mechanism to concurrently offer quality of service (QoS) to users, without requiring a priori traffic specificatio...
on through abstract instructions which approximate, but do not duplicate, the behavior of actual machines. Because they are designed for use in a variety of educational settings, C...
Delivering data to on-line game participants requires the game data to be "customized" in real-time to each participant's characteristics. Using multicast in such a...
Manuel M. Oliveira, Jon Crowcroft, Christophe Diot